The power of human ingenuity can withstand a whole lot more than the technological world. The human heart as well as soul are stronger than any other factor.
The battles we face externally each day just do not make sense. If we are tired we should always rest. There should not be any external stimuli to not have us rest.
The fact of the matter is we all are more effective when we communicate the ideas we have, through vocal as well as other mediums.
We all think that individually we control what we constantly think about however our communicational level gets more exact as well as the fact stress is portrayed as we go along.
You are in control of everything happening around you all the time, even if you have no belief that can portrayed in your life. However we all can get through it all if we just believe in it fully.
The amount of your portayed belief has many levels. Their are symbolic ideals throughout life. You may understand it or not, but that is part of the fun of life. Stress is an emotion, and emotional value. Life is a balancing act, if anything else.
Yeremiah Hardt