A few freedoms I beleive in. My point is to create a long lasting conversation.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Good, from a particular view, distractions could be view as bad also. They are a part of life as all; they are seen in different ways. This has to be recognized as well as accepted, for everything could be viewed, differential, the important part is the explanatory voyage that follows, which is necessary for conversational issues as well as learning issues. We all have similar views but different expressive aspects and if patiently awaited you can express what you need to. As well as media expresses how it needs to at different times of the day as well as by having different channels of formation of these views. One is still in charge of in taking or not if one is attracted to something in the media. In fact with the excessive accomplishments of technology, it is easier to express ones, even though more expertise is required at the same time. You can achieve all if you are patient as well as other aspects of all that one chooses to excel in. despite being confused you should listen to all information that is put out there in any way possible, for the weakness of our character is more important, then the weakness of society. To beat that and live, live like every day is your last. This is of exponentially great value.

Yeremiah Hardt

Stop Lights

Stop lights lead to vast degrees of confusion. Are they really necessary?

Perhaps on the road it is, however not in life that much.

Money is not the answer to all the strife. Love is the only answer that is possible.

Adventures are a vast part of life. Although different circumstances lead to unique diversion in life, they represent are curiosity as well as wonder.

Yeremiah Hardt

E spiritualist

We all can get through these obstacles we call life we just have to have a strong spirit. A strong spirit helps us in more ways than we even know It. The spiritual powers help us as if they were like a superman figure in our lives.

As you see they are trapped though in the body because it is a form of prison. Not everyone knows this but the calmer your persona is the more they will take care of you.

You just have to relax and everything will be all right. Everything will. Why else would you be trying if it would not make you a better person, or increase the efficiency of the world around you? However what we first need to do is solve our eternal battles first. Everyone has something there not proud of.

We need to be honest at least with ourselves. We will enjoy life abundantly because of this.

Yeremiah Hardt

Monday, September 21, 2009


We may differ in the type of care we need, but at least one thing is always true. We always need some love to go round and round on this circle we call life.

The great circle of life should not differ in greatness by age or by color. Even by specie it should be the same for all time. We are all the same by looking from above. So we all should be treated as one.

Every man, woman and child of every race and specie are more similar, than they are different. So they shouldn't fight about their differences and just help each other live. All species of life, especially man, should explore the simplicity of life all they can.

That is the true meaning of existence, just to sit back and take the plunge and to just explore before that old expiration time comes. There is no stopping that so just explore, before it becomes a chore.

Yeremiah Hardt

Thursday, September 17, 2009


True beauty is easier to come by then you may think. It is so easily seen. Everything has its own unique quality and way to exist throughout all time. Take a look at anything and you shall see the similarities outweigh the differences. If you just look with your heart and do not let your brain analyze
what you see you shall see that beauty is as far as your eye can see and always was throughout all your life as well as throughout all time.

Yeremiah Hardt

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Different brains differ in extraordinary ways. We don't know all the answers though. That is the point of living. Identity is the point of all life. Rescuing is a point of identity.

Belief in all life is the point of all existence. Mistakes are necessary in all life, no matter what.

Without mistakes we will have no need for anything else. They help us more then they hurt us. You just can learn an exuberant amount by making mistakes rather than not.

We have not got a clue what the brain does or how this thing called life is, however we do think we know that life is like exist but grander.

Yeremiah Hardt

Abundantly energetic

Through all the business of life our memories are the most vital human attribute. This is because without them we would be lost. This is a real tragedy because we are so lost that we could not be found, even in our own memories, which are as vital as our soul. This has extreme meaning to us all.

For none of us want to be alone; even as children, or adults. Even if we feel that way at time socially we can take some time and then get back into the game of life.

This is mainly because we are so persistent. We have many outlets. So many sometimes confusion sets in. That is when time plays an important role.

It takes an important role because we allow it to. We could all use more of it though, so does it really matter how long it takes you to complete a task.

The time it takes along with the effort you make to complete anything is the most valued assets. Time and effort are valuable together.

That is very complex thinking. As long as we all remember that we should be fine. However, would it be a problem if we were to forget it all and start at the beginning, and be as happy and equisetic as we can? No, as long as the effort was there and the time that was given, was equal in strength.

Yeremiah Hardt

Friday, September 11, 2009


Eyes are mirrors not only to the soul although it can change from time to time. However, true it is the level can change, if you believe in miraculous things.

Some people can change, if given the chance; faster then others, although there are more than a couple changes, we all do at one time or another. Belief and even hope may be of great necessary value in this.

For sight is possible wherever we are and in all we do, instinct is necessary more then you know. Knowledge is also present in our knowing of everything as well as trust.

Sight being the most relevant sense now, as well as always, that leads to a great mess of problems. Ask your questions however also think real well.

This may all seem out of the ordinary. Belief is necessary to prove this as anything. Belief is mandatory in all that we do. For belief is all; and will bring everything, as slowly as it wants, but it will.

Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, September 05, 2009


It is believed to the most powerful, most precise thing in this existence. Communication helps thought out a little more then though helps communication.

However we believe communication, just that it is necessary. It is necessary an extreme amount of times.

It is just hard to comprehend when you should communicate as wee as not to communicate.

You sometimes need to be told by someone, whether or not you want them to, just to enjoy the silence.

We all have very many things to say and would rather speak then be heard. However, we all need to told sometimes, when to listen.

Yeremiah Hardt

Love Leads To Joy

That is the ultimate point we all have been trying to make. However we all get frustrated, and turn to different aspect of ideas to prove this. That in itself is another readable point. However reason does not always work, in writing or reading, which nation upon nation or region upon region have been trying to prove over and over again, through communication. We as earthlings have to unite faster or there will be a cosmic disaster which will not only effect us, but all earthlings as well.

Time is of the least importance, communication between national structures is, now all points aside when the year of 2012 hits somethings going to happen. That will devastating as well unite all peoples of earth. That there's ton's of literature out about it now because of it's importance.

The fact of the matter is not everyone is interested in, or uninformed about this important event, for reason of mass hysteria or something like that so please pass this letter, knowledge is power, knowledge only formed if enough believe in it though.
Yeremiah Hardt


How can we tell that memory matters or does it even matter at all. That is the ultimate question which is condtantly ingnored however difficult it is to figure out? Memories can be manipulated by everything even the most crucial tool.

Our mind is the most valuable technological asset that we have. It is capable to play games on itself which at times could actually save it.

However these games could be harmful. These games can be so subconscious that sometimes, it could be crucial.

Memories are crucial to survival. They may however, cause a breakdown which is difficult. It may be unpredictable seen in the real world. There are signs which are able to physically be seen as possibility.

Yeremiah Hardt


We are so like computers even more than people admit. We have the same parameters or ways to solve problems. We use our language of word and they use binary code of zero and one. We need our sleep as well as they need their down time.

Communication is possible both with or without humans. However computers can not have emotional reactions.

Yeremiah Hardt

The Powers That Be

The power of human ingenuity can withstand a whole lot more than the technological world. The human heart as well as soul are stronger than any other factor.

The battles we face externally each day just do not make sense. If we are tired we should always rest. There should not be any external stimuli to not have us rest.

The fact of the matter is we all are more effective when we communicate the ideas we have, through vocal as well as other mediums.

We all think that individually we control what we constantly think about however our communicational level gets more exact as well as the fact stress is portrayed as we go along.

You are in control of everything happening around you all the time, even if you have no belief that can portrayed in your life. However we all can get through it all if we just believe in it fully.

The amount of your portayed belief has many levels. Their are symbolic ideals throughout life. You may understand it or not, but that is part of the fun of life. Stress is an emotion, and emotional value. Life is a balancing act, if anything else.

Yeremiah Hardt