A few freedoms I beleive in. My point is to create a long lasting conversation.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Eyes are mirrors not only to the soul although it can change from time to time. However, true it is the level can change, if you believe in miraculous things.

Some people can change, if given the chance; faster then others, although there are more than a couple changes, we all do at one time or another. Belief and even hope may be of great necessary value in this.

For sight is possible wherever we are and in all we do, instinct is necessary more then you know. Knowledge is also present in our knowing of everything as well as trust.

Sight being the most relevant sense now, as well as always, that leads to a great mess of problems. Ask your questions however also think real well.

This may all seem out of the ordinary. Belief is necessary to prove this as anything. Belief is mandatory in all that we do. For belief is all; and will bring everything, as slowly as it wants, but it will.

Yeremiah Hardt

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