A few freedoms I beleive in. My point is to create a long lasting conversation.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Importance of Hope

We all need belief to survive. There would be no point in living otherwise.

Belief is the fundamental structure of our ideas as lives, hopes, and dreams.

People are in need of gaining hope. This is extremely difficult to see, though it is no one’s fault. We may not even know society is not always truthful to its source, which compounds the problem, ten fold or more. We really need to slow down and listen to realize that we ourselelves as well as other living entities need hope in order to survive. With just listening we could accomplish wonders.

Listening is taught to us in our youth, it is a real shame that some of us lose most of the courage to listen as we age. It is only practiced in parts of our lives which we think is relevant, not throughout all life which is always relevant.

All areas of our lives are important, that is why sleep is so necessary. If we get over stressed, the best way to relax is through sleep.

Everything has a moment in time. The moment can last as long as necessary. Ideas get recycled and reused if they are or are not used in one time.

Yeremiah Hardt

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