A few freedoms I beleive in. My point is to create a long lasting conversation.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


There is only us, people have to be individuals, before they can contribute fully to a group. You cannot forget who you are, because if you do, you stop contributing as fully as you do if you remember your individuality.

We must maintain our individuality within a group. This is difficult. There is not a day after this day. No day turns out as bad as it seems to. No day is a nightmare.

Yeremiah Hardt Yeremiah@aol.com

Truth of Freedom

Freedom has to be tied to the truth if real. Real truth is so fragile that it has to always remade an constantly rebuilt and founded yet again. Freedom is the flower that is held by the stem of truth. It is a major part of truth in being free.

The petal of Freedom is based in truth, freedom is very powerful. It is so uplifting to be truthful as well as totally genuine.

Yeremiah Hardt Yeremiah@aol.com

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Heart of a Butterfly

The caterpillar has the heart of a butterfly!” It is true that if we know within our hearts what we want to become, then we will become that.

We possess all the actively formed energy that we will ever need. This energy lasts throughout our life. It also reciprocalally produces more. So you have the most energy that you need.

Yeremiah Hardt Yeremiah@aol.com

Monday, April 26, 2010

Free Your Mind

You have no idea the wonder and magnificence you can achieve by letting go of the self-induced restriction that we call intellectual boundaries. That is precisely what magician and other sorcerers were trying to get across in their own humble ways. If you free your mind, it is implied that the rest will follow.

You are not bound by anything, so why are you so afraid to wonder and create. If you remain open you can achieve magnificence as well as such wondrous enlightened wonders.
Remain open to anything and everything and you will achieve glorious attributes. The whole is not yet discovered, and it probably would never be. That is what the adventure of is to all that remain open to it.

Yeremiah Hardt

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Why are we so afraid of our feelings?

They are inside to help us deal with life and others live. We just have to trust in them or we cannot move forward. They repress us so much more then we know. They’re repression rate exponentially grows throughout time. So you have to be honest at all times.

Even though it may be done honesty sets you free more often than not . It gives you a calmer ora or stance in life; it helps maintain friendships throughout life. It also takes away worry enough for you to sleep. Talk to your friends; get what you have to say out. Fear isn’t good for anything isn’t good for anyone. Repression of those fears is harmful as well. So set the free. Every moment you do not, you do not live life to its fullest, which you caused and no one else did, so talk to a friend or to anyone. It’s not a bad thing if it helps you. It may even help them as well.

Yeremiah Hardt

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Invitation

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love for your dream for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon... I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can sit with pain mine or your own without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy mine or your own if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful or realistic or remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see Beauty even when it is not pretty every day. And if you can source your own life from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure yours and mine and still stand at the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, "Yes."

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have.

I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children.

It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

Unknown author

Yeremiah Hardt

Sunday, February 14, 2010



Never believe anyone who says we cannot change. Vision is one of the secrets of personal transformation. We are all artists, our mind is the arena of creation and vision is what we are constantly creating. What is your vision of yourself today - patient, relaxed, positive or tense, tight and negative? What do you prefer? So be creative - what does patience look like, feel like, what are you doing that is different when you are patient and you are expressing your power to ..wait? Always start with vision not action. See it and you will be it. Be it and you will do it. This is how we create our own life.


Just as a tree that is full of fruit bows down for others to take the fruit, one who is humble will always live in self respect and treat others with respect.


Every moment is precious. Let me fill myself with so much peace and stability that whoever comes in front of me at any time is at ease and uplifted


In tune with my inner rhythm, I draw wisdom from the past, allowing the future to shape itself around me. My mind is a sanctuary where shafts of golden sunlight laze as though resting in the aisles of some great cathedral. Everything is as it should be. I remain simple in the midst of complexity, sure at times of unease, and clear in the company of others.


When I learn to respect myself, other people will respect me. How can I develop respect for myself? By keeping my mind positive and encouraging myself to grow and change for the better. Demanding respect because of my position or background is simply arrogance. On the other hand, listening with humility and valuing other people's advise naturally earns me respect. I get back exactly what I give out.


Emotions can feel uncontrollable - we have no choice but to experience them. But to live by our emotions is to live under a tyrant's rule. Acknowledge emotions for what they are, without shame or guilt, and then allow them to pass through you like wind moving through the leaves of a tree. Remember that it is only with your permission that feelings can change the way you behave.


You fill your life with peace when you discover you only have to be yourself, to be what you have always been - a peaceful being.

Talking comes by nature, silence by wisdom.

No act of kindness is ever wasted.

Yeremiah Hardt

Monday, February 08, 2010

Take Freedom

It is impossible to take freedom away from someone. Even if you hold their body in shackles, you cannot stop their imagination from moving beyond their immediate prison and to the world of thought. The body is much weaker then the mind is. However, we do not see all that the mind creates, whereas the physical body creates aspects of the real world, it cannot be said that the ideas that the mind puts in motion are not real as well.

Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Emotions Are A Part Of Life

Life is like an unsolved puzzle. No one can define what life is because it is a very complex thing. Life is something that makes you happy and proud at times and makes you feel so low at times that you say to yourself, ”Why was I born?"

But whatever it is, it is real fun. In Life, in every moment, something new happens; something that you never expected, something that you were waiting from a long while to happen and something you were expecting to happen. It is a combination of happiness, sorrow, joy, love, anger, enjoyment, loneliness, fear, excitement and many other emotions. The definition of the word life can't be completed without using the word emotions. Some people work in emotions whereas others work with emotions.

So it's very important to understand how people are using their emotions. If they are letting emotions get control over them, then they'll be dragged by others and situations all the time. But, if he is controlling his emotions in a proper way, then no one will ever have control over him.

The way a person uses his emotions is what we call attitude. Someone has correctly said, "Your attitude determines your altitude in life". Attitude, as I already defined, is the way an individual uses his emotions and directly related to the psyche of a person.

Some people use their emotions in a positive way and some people do it in a negative sense. When people use emotions in a positive way we call it positive attitude and when they use it in a negative way we call it negative attitude. It's up to an individual to decide how he uses his emotions. Which way will you decide?

Yeremiah Hardt

Friday, February 05, 2010


This is an outstanding thing. to be able to communicate is great. Every living entity shares this language with us, it is just had to recognize as well as understand others language.

Language causes communication to take place, as well as new ideas to form. The written word is language as well. Anything that causes ideas to be past is a part of language.

The word can be made to share ideas. If it causes misunderstandings, you always have time to ask for clarification.

Communication is the cement that holds societies together. Worlds can be utilized to build up causes. Communication can be employed to advance the cause as well.

It assist us in making our thoughts understandable to other people. However, it can be extremely confusing as well. Phrases as well as words can also mean two-three or more ideas. Then it would be of great importance to clarify your thoughts as well as be open to questions, until everyone in your group understands what you meant.

Yeremiah Hardt


You can’t be a loner forever. Everyone needs some sort of companionship. If not, unfortunate occurrences will transpire. You can’t have too many friends. Friendship is very important within life. Friendship leads to new ideas and more friends. However you also need a partner.

With a partner you would be able to share you’re most intimate and personal desires with. Partners are also good to have so that you can count on them in times of great need, pain, or sorrow. They are also great to share great joy with.
Yeremiah Hardt


When you are interested in someone, why are we so scared of appearing interested in the object of our desire? Could it be because of rejection? However, how would we know if we are going to be rejected unless we take a risk and make our intentions known?

There are different types of attractions; friends, partners, or both. All of these attractions are crucial to live a full and complete life.
Yeremiah Hardt

Thursday, February 04, 2010


Everyone is in such a hurry. They have no time for themselves, let alone to be kind. Why?

The only thing you are rushing to, if you really think about it is your death. You don’t take care of yourself when things hurt you, on your body or otherwise. You die from pain, if not from stress.
Stress is the all time leading cause of death. It is very sad, because it is self-induced. It could always be alleviated if people just practice a very simple, but alien, step and that is the mystically of relaxation.

When your day just goes bad, stop for a moment and take a breath. Relax, Relax, Relax.

Yeremiah Hardt


If we are never taught as youth to socialize we find it difficult to socialize as adults. Our animal instincts are so suppressed, we seldom have the drive to go beyond that “iron curtain” to socialize and get the treasure of friendship which I believe everyone is seeking.
If we are not brought up interacting with the world it is a very complicated feat to acquire. This is however imperative as we are social individuals or we prefer socialization as oppose to isolation.
So how could this skill be acquired? We can partake in discussions that interest us. This is beneficial because then we have a commonality with the group. We could also go to events that interest us.
Socialization is an aspect which does not become easier with experiences. However if you are in a social group, it is easier then when you are alone. This is because of your unified interest which leads to conversing. This unified interest makes it a whole lot easier to socialize because you have a frame of reference of which to launch the conversation. The struggle of socialization will never decrease unless we change the foundation of the society which we live.
Yeremiah Hardt

Curiosity Never leaves

Curiosity is of fundamental importance in life. It never fully vacates from our humanity. It leads us to discovery of new adventures. It grants access to new situational attributes that promote growth as well.
It never fully vacates from our existence. As long as you are curious you are growing, which may be acceptable or unacceptable. No matter what it causes it is your choice how you are willing to view it.

Curiosity is one of the driving forces of life. It causes new ideas to initiate as well as change the structure of the old.

Without curiosity we would have little pain or pleasure. In taking the negative you also alleviate the positive.

Love of being curious is very powerful. We all have to be patient enough to find some attributes of life out. Love acquires all the energy needed to give curiosity all that it desires.

Yeremiah Hardt


Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "I will try again tomorrow." It takes courage to change your style, your opinion, even your hat! It takes courage to let go of the weighty parts of your past and to look forward to the bright future as well as all the pain and turmoil ahead of you. It takes courage to find your own voice as well as to use it as wisely as you perceive at the given time.

It is of vast importance that we all make the conscious effort to be as courageous as we can, because we all are already subconsciously or else we would not here. If existence was not courageous we would not be a part of it. Every life has the potential to make it-self as great as it could become.

Great accomplishments can make us great on a societal scale or great on a cosmic scale or sometimes both. However society is not always ready for our cosmic ideals.

When it is not ready or not receptive to those ideals tragic difficulties can arise. It is of vast importance not to be closed minded to new thoughts as well as new viewpoints. If we remain as open as we can, we will be experience life in the fullest possible way. That is why we are alive.Yeremiah Hardt

Set Your Goals ~ 10 Step Goal System Made Easy

When setting goals either long term or short term you need to make sure you are very clear about how these goals will be achieved, what ever your beliefs in life having goals set in place is a great way to work towards bringing about your desires. The following 10 step guidelines are very effective and simple to use:

1) Decide exactly what you want - get clear about your goals.
2) Decided when you want it - set a time limit on it.
3) List the "pay" value - what is this goal worth to you? Not just in financial terms but for value in life.
4) Determine any obstacles in the way - what do you need to do / change?
5) What is your plan to get to your goal? - have a written plan.
6) Ask yourself "Is the prize worth the price?" Is your goal worth the effort you need to put in to get there?
7) Schedule your plans - work back over the timescale you have set yourself, is it achievable? Complete your diary ahead of time committing to the things you need to do on a daily basis to reach your goal.
8) Start Now. There really is no time like the present, start today, don't delay!
9) Never reach a goal without first setting another one. This way you will always have something new and exciting to work towards in life.
10) Never EVER Quit - This is the most important one!
Imagine how you will feel when you reach your goal, know that it is within reach and you can achieve anything you want to in life. At the end of the day it is all about self belief as well as having goals set in place, have the belief both in yourself and in your goals.

Liz Green

Yeremiah Hardt