A few freedoms I beleive in. My point is to create a long lasting conversation.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Creativity is not limited by structure. Your inspiration is only one of your creative outlets. As you grow your creativity is capable of growing as well.

However it can also could be limited if your world get smaller, by your mind revolving about one thing. This is very limiting.

It limits all aspects that create you, from your adventures and missions in life, to your humorous fun.

Yeremiah Hardt

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

You’re Choice

Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life. It’s your choice and no one can take that away from you.

Yeremiah Hardt

Sunday, December 13, 2009


We are born with so much potential, so many opportunity open to us. It’s a shame that we can only follow a few of those probabilities, for who knows if we followed the right ones. It is not really that important either, as long as we are happy with the results. All paths we take discriminate the choices we make and will make in the future.

The potential of an average person is like a huge ocean not sailed, a continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled to a greater good.

Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, December 12, 2009


A smile is as good as gold. However when it is shared it is contagious. Laughter is better than anything when shared.

The world has got too philosophically serious to show the people that simply laugh can solve any problems more than anything. It is so powerful that if not spread more problems will occur.
Laughter is getting so vital and the absence of it is so bad that the stupidity of the lack of recognition of it is getting more attention then anything else.

So I invite you. Come on, just laugh, I dare you. Laugh at all of your problems. If laughter does not make them not go away than you really have a serious issue.

No one laughing makes a problem, no matter how insignificant, worse.

Communication ally speaking, it only get worse if you are not amused at times. But that in it of itself, you have to spread the laughter then you get the full effect.

All work and no play have a worldly effect if not at all. It's just the simplicity of it all, which always astounds me. No explanation can make me frown in my life at all, even the biggest transitionary level of all the possibilities of all.
Yeremiah Hardt


What if you knew something, however no one ever listened to you, except one person. You have so much to deal with every day that it is extremely difficult to keep secrets.

However hard you try the secret has exploded in your face. No matter who you turn to it seems that everyone wants to control something different about you until you let someone know what happened to you, that you needed some help, however you were to scared to ask for it. So you try to take everything on yourself and over organize yourself because of the secret you keep in your consciousness.

The only thing is the longer it stays bottled up, the worse it gets as problems tend to do. Until you uncover it and let it go free. This may help it more than anything else.

Don't worry, be happy. We should be as optimistic as possible through life. Any forces other than light or love as well as happiness are a cause for the unhealthiness we all have.

This may be the cause of all our dark tendencies. The light force is good, the oddity in that is that the expression of it may not always be as relevant as anything. Emotionally, it is difficult as anything to decipher this.

The complexities of life do not end there. It is almost if the mind does not communicate with the heart. It is much like a race track.

The options in life, we now have our astoundingly many. Life is not as simple as it is made out, however it is not as difficult as it seems either. We always have as many options, if not more.

Yeremiah Hardt

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Possibility of Impossibility

Believe in the Impossible now and forever. You have more blessings then you see. Look at all the gifts, the whole world has given to all of humanity, and the response of this of humanity is complaints above all. Now I don’t mean to be a pessimist, however the earth is all our home. It may not be much, but since it is now all we got, it should be cherish for all time.

We are doing an all right job keeping the house together, however it take all family members united to build a house and also make it into a home. So all of humanity should stop their squabbles and come together and clean up this world as soon as possible. Think about it a town destroyed needs a lot of assistance and everyone should do their part if and when possible.

It takes a lot more friends to keep the fire of life going then to hose it down. The fire within every soul is way stronger than anything. Spiritually speaking, the strength of every human combined stronger then a single human alone.

Its infinite combinations lead to infinite capability. Awareness of this is just the beginning. It has to lead to usage no matter what. No matter which way you use this the important thing is just that you explain yourself as much as you can, even if it’s through writing, write awy, stat a blog or several.

Yeremiah Hardt

Monday, December 07, 2009

Importance of Hope

We all need belief to survive. There would be no point in living otherwise.

Belief is the fundamental structure of our ideas as lives, hopes, and dreams.

People are in need of gaining hope. This is extremely difficult to see, though it is no one’s fault. We may not even know society is not always truthful to its source, which compounds the problem, ten fold or more. We really need to slow down and listen to realize that we ourselelves as well as other living entities need hope in order to survive. With just listening we could accomplish wonders.

Listening is taught to us in our youth, it is a real shame that some of us lose most of the courage to listen as we age. It is only practiced in parts of our lives which we think is relevant, not throughout all life which is always relevant.

All areas of our lives are important, that is why sleep is so necessary. If we get over stressed, the best way to relax is through sleep.

Everything has a moment in time. The moment can last as long as necessary. Ideas get recycled and reused if they are or are not used in one time.

Yeremiah Hardt


The essence of all life is to be as thoughtful as you can without contradicting yourself. We all are capable of explaining our way out of anything, no matter what. However there comes a time when you have to listen to everything including yourself.

Challenging or not this is so ideas can grow which is crucial in the game known as life. The more we listen to whomever the further we go, thus the happier and more prosperous we shall become. Although even if we listen, we have to constantly weigh ideas for life is a scale. It is a scale of the issue we hold dear and the more we love the greater the weight gets.
Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, December 05, 2009


How you deal with this is by taking your time, going through it at your own pace. We, all, are always pushing what is positive to later. We should always be dealing with the struggles that ensue around us.
Life is hectic. It nearly appears so difficult to be happy; however that is totally not the case.
Negative sides make you so strong. Negativities are one of the controls of decision making. Indecisiveness grows without negativity. Without negativity it is possible that you lose all hope. Negativity is afraid of trusting others. We all need our darker side. Positivity and negativity make the essence of courage. .

Intelligence controls fear. The shock of fear can cause major damage. Intelligence, in all its attributes helps survival in many different ways.

We all have to love each and every part of ourselves in order to survive. You cannot pick and choose what you deem appropriate with yourself, however you can choose how you deal with your personality conflicts, because they are yours and only yours.

Yeremiah Hardt

Thursday, December 03, 2009


Memory is the most valuable commodity we all have. They are the essence of are individuality. Even when they are viewed as a distancing element, some are fantastically organized tools as well as bring relief to future event.
We all should not rush through any of life. Take time to wander around. The world is full of such wonderful things if you just use time with a bit more wisdom as well as grace.
There is so much need to learn, however we have all the time we need to learn and understand this. As long as we keep a personal balance made up of play and work. This is as vital to life as our breath.
We should never hide our true emotional state. We should take all we can in and let it all out as well. No matter how difficult it seems to be, remember that; perception is a reality as much as we understand it.
For we all have more time to deal with the consequences we find ourselves in.

Our ideas have a way to set us free and get us out of dangerous ways.
When you grow, stagnation may build up. This stagnation can lead to lack of fun in life as well as experiencing a downturn in the event of your life. We all have our curiosity as well as our humor to keep us young and as vibrant as we want, also to defend our beliefs as well as our dreams.

The temporal angst, effect or timing of those memories that affect anyone is great relevance. Not only to the situational boundaries; however why those memories actually occur.
Each and every memory is relevant to your life. The memory actually effects the people you tell it to also. The memory can lead to adventures as well as dreams.

Yeremiah Hardt

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Thought Attraction

Thoughts attract other like thoughts. If you want thought of a certain kind you will them, if you just put out the energy to receive them. However if you want thoughts of a different kind all you have to do is change your thought energies.
You have to face all which you are attracted to even if they lead to life’s obstacles. By doing, this you will gain a vast degree of strength in whatever you so choose. Do not worry about the specifics for the multiverse does not. It only listens to the type of thoughts you are sending it, and sends you similar ones.

Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Magnified Thoughts

Life is how you manage your adventures you find yourself in. Stay as true as you possibly can to yourself as well as make yourself happy by making others happy.
We all have an exuberant amount of choices to make now as well as every moment within the adventure. The adventure will be as fun or stale as we make it.
Priorities change throughout our life. They are constantly in a state where they are fluctuating. The best way to possibly deal with whatever life challenges us with is to make sure you try to harmoniously act.

Yeremiah Hardt

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


If you just listen, you could find anything, even your true calling within life. It takes a keen ear, but if you just listen and go beyond the distractions of life you could find true happiness.
Truth is the music that exists in all of life. If you keep your ears open and do not get distracted by the nonsense life puts out their you can really have a good life.
Music is all there is, it makes all life. Harmonic resonance makes all of life possible. It enables us all to find our story within life. If you find your story obstacles do not seem to matter. That is all that life is.
It is a sound and echoes truth. That is all that life is. Life is discovery of who you really are, which obstacles distract us from. Some actually help us find who we are.

Yeremiah Hardt

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fearful Thoughts

These are many times, sneakier than the average thought. Sometimes the soul gets hidden also to bury that it would a certain number of years to resurface.
The problems they may cause could be taken anyway as they start surfacing from the memories of the past. These memories may be difficult to explain if anything. Patience plays an important role in the explanation aspect of communicating problems, as well as the listening of them.

Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Learning should be fun in order to gain attention from all student. Natural settings could be used to make learning exciting. It should help with the lesson learned more often.

We all should just start relaxing in a natural setting more. True happiness and relief of tension as well as security co-exist together and therefore they should be involved as well as have reciprocal parts in their lessons.

Yeremiah Hardt


Where would we be without it?

Would we be better off if there were no diversity? There would be no wars or conflicts, which is for sure. If we were all the same, we will be like robot and the beauty of our individuality will vanish.

With diversity present, individuality is promoted. Different create the beauty in the world. The world is so lovely thanks to the diverse population.

Yeremiah Hardt

Distacting Distractions

Distractions are always uneasy in life because we allow them to subtract from our attention level to something we perceive to be interesting.

You always have to hold on tight to your interest is one the things that make you so great. So what if you are unpopular now, popularity can wait. You will achieve all you want in time.

Distracting thoughts make us live a good life. It makes us realize our full potential in life. It makes us live a better life as well as they increase the opportunity that opens in life.

However, living a life full of distraction is the hardest but the most challenging life to live. This is traumatically sound, most of the adventures come from distraction of life.

Life is harmonious. The harmony has rhythm. The rhythmic sounds have vibrations which we all are a part of it. The vibration groups together make symphonic masterpieces. All the rhythms are necessary for this. This is because we are so eager for the future to occur.

The more friends you have the more and better choices you have when problems arise. Friends are more than advisors though. They are the people you love and are very fond of.

The quality of people that you surround yourself with is so important. Each individual friend has a different ingredient to add to the recipe of your life and soul.
Every friend you attract in your life is necessary at the time. They are so much of a good value.
Nothing is a needless interaction. It may seem of little value at the time that it is done, but later in life you will find that it is extremely valuable.

Friends are what they are. You should not change for they can become worse than you ever imagined. If you enter one of them you do not know what will happen. Is it not better to leave stuff alone, then to possible than change a friend you change your life. Who would seriously like to do that?

Yeremiah Hardt

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Aim High

No matter where you are, you should strive to do better. When you strive to do better, you put forth more energy, and will wind up with better results no matter what.
If they are not on paper then they are at least inside you, which is all that matters now as well as in the future. Your soul in fact is the only permanent record that is ever in existence. No other humanly made record exist.

Yeremiah Hardt

Monday, November 16, 2009


We are all good natured residence of the human family. Confusion is what makes life so great. Let life play out as it will. It will go great as long as you believe that it will and in yourself throughout every circumstance that life throws in your face.

It is of great importance to be as organized as long as you can find a balance between order and disorder. Being too organized is sometime not good at all.

So you know what is going to happen. Nothing is. Unless you make it happen. There are tremendous amounts of realities. Every choice we make, there is an inverse reality.

Yeremiah Hardt


The reason why communication is so important, that relevance is exceedingly of great importance. It is always relevant, however not always as conflictive you believe. Uniqueness increases the knowledge that we have. It is not a conflict, between all.

It is one of the most delicate relaying devices overly used throughout history. It is of extreme essence to understand and to follow wherever it may lead. Through openness leads to unquestionable greatness, however once through the obstacles you shall see this.

The reason why communication is so important, that relevance is exceedingly of great importance. It is always relevant, however not always as conflictive as you believe. Uniqueness, increases of the knowledge of humanity. It is not a conflict, between all.

It is, in essence, all we are. There are so many parameters to life it is a real shame to be confined to one or two aspects, we should all be open to as many as we can be to enjoy the full aspects of life and see what they have in store for us all.

Communication could always help situations, no matter how pointless it may seem. We all need someone or someplace where we can relax. Relaxation is one of the primary roles of communication. Even physical communication is relevant from time to time.

That is a reason the armed forces are still around, because in essence we are animals programmed to discover or change what we do not like.

Yeremiah Hardt

Attention Levels

Thinking is only one form of attention. We have many more ways to interpret the world. It is good that we think, however if we contemplate to much we will lose touch with reality. We all live in our own bubble of reality which is known as thought.

Whatever you think you can ultimately become. That is however open to interpretation from yourself. You are in control of yourself all the time.

Sleeping helps you maintain control of your health and your faculties in general.
Trust is an important factor in everything. Trust attracts you to everything in your life, however if you don't have love or some sort of feel for love, you'd be missing a whole lot more. Curiosity is extremely important as well as love and trust.
It almost as if we all have a frequency. A ideal system that travel a long way back into space and time. However it is more associated with timing then anything. It all began with a new way of thinking. Like most ways or waves it was extremely small. However as it grew, it got so big it scared people till it was held back and trapped.

Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, November 14, 2009


When one thing goes wrong it is horrible. It could always get worse, if two or more things go wrong. We could always see life as one big problem, getting more and more complex as time goes on.

That is not a positive outlook on anything. Just waking up in the morning is a miracle is it not. Life is full of these miracles, although they do not always go according to plan, so we always have an option to either stay in the game or to officially quit from it all.

Are you in for the challenge of life, because it is all relative if you are or are not? You have to abundantly celebrate life every day.

Yeremiah Hardt


We are family more than we all know. We all have a plethora of ideas as well.

The abilities also increase as well as get more powerful as our temporality increases. As all this takes place we have to be as patient as we can be.

We need to be more patient because our needs change throughout the temporal vortex.

Life itself is change. It is a change of everything. It is so changing that at times it seems redundant. Knowing its redundant does not make it any more or less valuable.

We all have so many differences that we do not always find it until it is to late and we cannot effect anything.

The support of the family should outlast all time. Friends may come and go but the family structure shall be able to outlast the measure of all time.

Few families do outlast time anymore. The societies of the world had become so out of whack that power has outweighed the power of love.

Love and power are a constant struggle with an eaternal battle that everyone is susceptible for.

Love has the power to overcome all, if given the chance. It all has to be valued as what it is valued to be. Everyone makes mistakes in circumstantial time; however the consequences should only last a given time in which the circumstance is in action.

Yeremiah Hardt


Children are miracle. They take in their whole world innocently, and have the most fun they can. Every child suffers; however since they have such bright intense spirits which are so well in tuned with their world they are always curious.

This curiosity they have for life is so valuable. That slowly goes with age, but it does not have to disappear. In fact it is one of the most enjoyable facets in our harmonies collective that we call the living world.

To have a great human experience, you have to first and foremost have respect for all. The historical significance does matter, just not as much as the present or future events.
It is similarly the same as love. You may love someone all of their life, however you may love them more or less each and every day. It depends on your relationship. The trust level needs to be high.

Yeremiah Hardt


We all have many choices within life, but some of the highest choices are whether we live through love or hate. This one choice is of so much strength that it influences all of what occurs within life. It affects all aspects, both of what we know as well as what we do not have the slightest knowledge of. However they both are tangled with formulated adventures.
These adventures have extremely many victims as well as victors within them all. However they are all momentary. These moments can last for as long as we have the will and enthusiasm to have them occur.
There are tools which help you communicate throughout life. We go throughout all the good as well as the bad times.
The record of all the life known as history is a priceless commodity. We all create them throughout life; however there is a delicate balance through, all historical aspect as well as making historical phenomena.
We always should hope for the best within all of life. The best however changes as we go through the path of life that we choose. Every adventure we encounter has positives as well as negative situational aspects.
We have to always face as well as comprehend the situational aspects within life. The better we do that the fuller our life shall become as well as the more enjoyment we receive out of it. We always have to keep our mind as active as well as sensory prone as we can.
We surround ourselves with as wise of influential knowledge output as we can find. This is important support systems we need in life as well as the greatness of living.
Forgiveness is an important element within all life. Every adventure needs to be forgiven throughout all life. Forgiveness helps us relax and overcome all obstacles throughout life.
Life has many aspects which affect it. These aspects are growing constantly. We need to keep the technological values equal to the life it enhances. As long as they are equal we could solve all the obstacles we find ourselves in.
Life is about our exploration of values within our existence in this reality which can change within all values at every instant of time.

Yeremiah Hardt

Friday, November 13, 2009


Being bored is a horrible use of time; especially when that boredom is so deep that you feel useless in life. Time is a valuable commodity and should not be wasted.
When it feels like everything is repeating itself anyone would get annoyed.

However what if you could not express that frustration through any other means or you did not know how.

Deep frustration sets in. Now since no one can help what is the point of life, other than to find others that could possibly help out as well as alleviate some of the pressure.

Yeremiah Hardt

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Artificial Intelligence

Possibility is the essence of all life. However the limitations will possibilities are of worldwide happiness. Happiness is just discovered and has to be taught. If a robot could genuinely love a person what responsibility does that person hold to that person? Should this love be reciprocated?
Why do real human beings matter? Can we be duplicated fully? It is a real tragedy if we get so emotionally attached to a android? The curiosity of the human way of being has tons of unanswerable questions, which have the ability to be asked but should they be answered?
Of all of our subconscious fallacies, some cannot be crossed? They may be extremely tempting but the questions always remains, love is the key of life, all life needs is love. Surprises can lead to adventures.
Life always has to matter. When we create life we need to take complete responsibility for it as long as possible. We always need to have trust for ourselves as well others.
Love and hate are human attributes. But fear and hysterias are as worldly as all. These can cause harm if let out of control. It is extremely difficult to break the bounds of love no matter how much you try; you cannot break up true love no matter what. True love can never die ever.
Fear is an excuse. Chances cannot totally be regretted. People deserve true happiness above all else. Does life make you happy? It should always lead you to some sort of happiness, even through all the obstacles you encounter.
Knowledge is as relevant for all. However you have to be extremely careful for ideas no matter how good could be used for evil as well as good.
Patience is always of great relieves. Communication needs to always exist throughout all problems. Even if frustration sets in you have to keep communication open.

Yeremiah Hardt

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Good, from a particular view, distractions could be view as bad also. They are a part of life as all; they are seen in different ways. This has to be recognized as well as accepted, for everything could be viewed, differential, the important part is the explanatory voyage that follows, which is necessary for conversational issues as well as learning issues. We all have similar views but different expressive aspects and if patiently awaited you can express what you need to. As well as media expresses how it needs to at different times of the day as well as by having different channels of formation of these views. One is still in charge of in taking or not if one is attracted to something in the media. In fact with the excessive accomplishments of technology, it is easier to express ones, even though more expertise is required at the same time. You can achieve all if you are patient as well as other aspects of all that one chooses to excel in. despite being confused you should listen to all information that is put out there in any way possible, for the weakness of our character is more important, then the weakness of society. To beat that and live, live like every day is your last. This is of exponentially great value.

Yeremiah Hardt

Stop Lights

Stop lights lead to vast degrees of confusion. Are they really necessary?

Perhaps on the road it is, however not in life that much.

Money is not the answer to all the strife. Love is the only answer that is possible.

Adventures are a vast part of life. Although different circumstances lead to unique diversion in life, they represent are curiosity as well as wonder.

Yeremiah Hardt

E spiritualist

We all can get through these obstacles we call life we just have to have a strong spirit. A strong spirit helps us in more ways than we even know It. The spiritual powers help us as if they were like a superman figure in our lives.

As you see they are trapped though in the body because it is a form of prison. Not everyone knows this but the calmer your persona is the more they will take care of you.

You just have to relax and everything will be all right. Everything will. Why else would you be trying if it would not make you a better person, or increase the efficiency of the world around you? However what we first need to do is solve our eternal battles first. Everyone has something there not proud of.

We need to be honest at least with ourselves. We will enjoy life abundantly because of this.

Yeremiah Hardt

Monday, September 21, 2009


We may differ in the type of care we need, but at least one thing is always true. We always need some love to go round and round on this circle we call life.

The great circle of life should not differ in greatness by age or by color. Even by specie it should be the same for all time. We are all the same by looking from above. So we all should be treated as one.

Every man, woman and child of every race and specie are more similar, than they are different. So they shouldn't fight about their differences and just help each other live. All species of life, especially man, should explore the simplicity of life all they can.

That is the true meaning of existence, just to sit back and take the plunge and to just explore before that old expiration time comes. There is no stopping that so just explore, before it becomes a chore.

Yeremiah Hardt

Thursday, September 17, 2009


True beauty is easier to come by then you may think. It is so easily seen. Everything has its own unique quality and way to exist throughout all time. Take a look at anything and you shall see the similarities outweigh the differences. If you just look with your heart and do not let your brain analyze
what you see you shall see that beauty is as far as your eye can see and always was throughout all your life as well as throughout all time.

Yeremiah Hardt

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Different brains differ in extraordinary ways. We don't know all the answers though. That is the point of living. Identity is the point of all life. Rescuing is a point of identity.

Belief in all life is the point of all existence. Mistakes are necessary in all life, no matter what.

Without mistakes we will have no need for anything else. They help us more then they hurt us. You just can learn an exuberant amount by making mistakes rather than not.

We have not got a clue what the brain does or how this thing called life is, however we do think we know that life is like exist but grander.

Yeremiah Hardt

Abundantly energetic

Through all the business of life our memories are the most vital human attribute. This is because without them we would be lost. This is a real tragedy because we are so lost that we could not be found, even in our own memories, which are as vital as our soul. This has extreme meaning to us all.

For none of us want to be alone; even as children, or adults. Even if we feel that way at time socially we can take some time and then get back into the game of life.

This is mainly because we are so persistent. We have many outlets. So many sometimes confusion sets in. That is when time plays an important role.

It takes an important role because we allow it to. We could all use more of it though, so does it really matter how long it takes you to complete a task.

The time it takes along with the effort you make to complete anything is the most valued assets. Time and effort are valuable together.

That is very complex thinking. As long as we all remember that we should be fine. However, would it be a problem if we were to forget it all and start at the beginning, and be as happy and equisetic as we can? No, as long as the effort was there and the time that was given, was equal in strength.

Yeremiah Hardt

Friday, September 11, 2009


Eyes are mirrors not only to the soul although it can change from time to time. However, true it is the level can change, if you believe in miraculous things.

Some people can change, if given the chance; faster then others, although there are more than a couple changes, we all do at one time or another. Belief and even hope may be of great necessary value in this.

For sight is possible wherever we are and in all we do, instinct is necessary more then you know. Knowledge is also present in our knowing of everything as well as trust.

Sight being the most relevant sense now, as well as always, that leads to a great mess of problems. Ask your questions however also think real well.

This may all seem out of the ordinary. Belief is necessary to prove this as anything. Belief is mandatory in all that we do. For belief is all; and will bring everything, as slowly as it wants, but it will.

Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, September 05, 2009


It is believed to the most powerful, most precise thing in this existence. Communication helps thought out a little more then though helps communication.

However we believe communication, just that it is necessary. It is necessary an extreme amount of times.

It is just hard to comprehend when you should communicate as wee as not to communicate.

You sometimes need to be told by someone, whether or not you want them to, just to enjoy the silence.

We all have very many things to say and would rather speak then be heard. However, we all need to told sometimes, when to listen.

Yeremiah Hardt

Love Leads To Joy

That is the ultimate point we all have been trying to make. However we all get frustrated, and turn to different aspect of ideas to prove this. That in itself is another readable point. However reason does not always work, in writing or reading, which nation upon nation or region upon region have been trying to prove over and over again, through communication. We as earthlings have to unite faster or there will be a cosmic disaster which will not only effect us, but all earthlings as well.

Time is of the least importance, communication between national structures is, now all points aside when the year of 2012 hits somethings going to happen. That will devastating as well unite all peoples of earth. That there's ton's of literature out about it now because of it's importance.

The fact of the matter is not everyone is interested in, or uninformed about this important event, for reason of mass hysteria or something like that so please pass this letter, knowledge is power, knowledge only formed if enough believe in it though.
Yeremiah Hardt


How can we tell that memory matters or does it even matter at all. That is the ultimate question which is condtantly ingnored however difficult it is to figure out? Memories can be manipulated by everything even the most crucial tool.

Our mind is the most valuable technological asset that we have. It is capable to play games on itself which at times could actually save it.

However these games could be harmful. These games can be so subconscious that sometimes, it could be crucial.

Memories are crucial to survival. They may however, cause a breakdown which is difficult. It may be unpredictable seen in the real world. There are signs which are able to physically be seen as possibility.

Yeremiah Hardt


We are so like computers even more than people admit. We have the same parameters or ways to solve problems. We use our language of word and they use binary code of zero and one. We need our sleep as well as they need their down time.

Communication is possible both with or without humans. However computers can not have emotional reactions.

Yeremiah Hardt

The Powers That Be

The power of human ingenuity can withstand a whole lot more than the technological world. The human heart as well as soul are stronger than any other factor.

The battles we face externally each day just do not make sense. If we are tired we should always rest. There should not be any external stimuli to not have us rest.

The fact of the matter is we all are more effective when we communicate the ideas we have, through vocal as well as other mediums.

We all think that individually we control what we constantly think about however our communicational level gets more exact as well as the fact stress is portrayed as we go along.

You are in control of everything happening around you all the time, even if you have no belief that can portrayed in your life. However we all can get through it all if we just believe in it fully.

The amount of your portayed belief has many levels. Their are symbolic ideals throughout life. You may understand it or not, but that is part of the fun of life. Stress is an emotion, and emotional value. Life is a balancing act, if anything else.

Yeremiah Hardt

Friday, August 28, 2009


The picture of the blue whale beautiful to me because; and this is my opinion only, its shades. Its shades are beautifully arranged, but the thing I like most is the color blue. Even without any red it its life better, then anyone knows or cares about it though.
That is probably why I like water so much. I love all life though. That is a real problem for me, not love but life. Well you can read about it online or in print.

Happiness is important, but love is so much important. Sometimes I’m on a health-emotional rollercoaster. It gets bad sometimes I feel like I live in too much harmony with the universe that I can’t express myself as well. Since harmony is most important at, least, in music, I choose harmony more than life.

Yeremiah Hardt

Thursday, August 27, 2009


People love people, however standards which are necessary, are viewed as vital. These standards are especially reflected when we see love and advancement in the eyes of conformity. Do we all advance equally? Our sensitivity gets in the way sometimes, just being human when we apply our own measures of advancement to the ones we love. Is a child's advancement recognized by his or her parents? Therefore the communication barrier between two or more individuals who love each other, seldomly enough, it is broken down.

For, everything has two sides even if not seen. It is just a shame that we could not see both sides early enough to stop disaster. The disaster of what happens when our values implied, destroy the ones we love. How many times did the ones who love us say, "it's not good enough." Life is a combination of everything that is in it. That is confusing, because more than that life, forms locations, which are in competitions also, however these also could be viewed as fun or hurtful.
It is these locations which are the destinations of our own advancement.